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If anyone is interested in helping with donations, the gratefulness precedes. Here are the items that are needed:
Men’s size socks and black gloves
Older Boys and Girls (12 and up) Games, bodywash, loofahs and gift items (jewelry, flashlights, etc.)
Gift cards for older kids (like McDonald’s etc.) and/or Gift cards for the volunteers to buy gifts for the children and young people
School Supplies including: tablets, pencils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, sharpeners, etc.
We could also use coloring books for the younger kids.

Items can be left at Settlement’s Sunday School wing entrance. Please mark them clearly: Barrie’s Christmas for Kids. 
You may also contact: Carol Wood, 616-984-2090 or
Barbara Jensen 616-984-2613 to have anything picked up.